Over the past number of days, I've been thinking hard about, well, life in general and priorities. There've been no big revelations, that's for sure. Except one: As much as I love doing it, blogging takes up far too much of my time. So, I'm hanging it up. It seems like a few people have decided to do the same thing lately, and I'm doing so for many of the same reasons.

Discount Blogger has been live for just under two years now. It is fun. I've gotten a lot out of it, and I hope you might have as well. I remember when I started out that I had about ten readers on my first day. I think that was mostly because I was telling my friends to go take a look. And I probably logged in from a few different computers as well! Since then, I'm getting to the point that I have about a thousand unique readers a day. To me, that's a big deal.


It's starting to interfere with everything else and everything else is starting to interfere with it. I've realized that in order to keep up this site, I've given it a higher priority than it deserves. I get up in the morning. I blog. I come home in the afternoon. I blog. And I check the news for awhile before I go to bed, just in case there's something important enough to - blog.

Oddly enough, I really do enjoy this. So you might be asking, "Why stop?" Discount Blogger has been a great hobby, if for no other reason than it forces me to keep an eye on what's happening in the news and in the world in general. I've also met several great people. But I've decided that playing with my dog for an hour in the morning, and hanging out with Robert and doing more with him in the evening and on weekends are much higher priorities. I don't think I've neglected anything as a result of Discount Blogger. But I think it's taken up way too much time that I could be spending doing other, more important things. Of course, I'm also at the point where spending 8 hours a day looking at a computer screen at work is enough. I don't need to look at one for three or four hours a day at home.

So, then. The news can wait. This is the last post and Discount Blogger is shutting down. It simply takes too much of my time. And if I can't give it my all, I won't waste my time or yours. I'll leave the site live for another month or so. I figure there are enough people linking to me from other sites and I don't want them to reach a blank page. A month should be enough to let those links die.

My email address will still be the same, so those of you I occasionally correspond with will hopefully still do that. I'll still be visiting you as well as leaving comments.

Thanks for reading.