The Conservative Party in Canada is performing an analysis of the election - probably paying tens of thousands of dollars to figure out how they didn't win it:
Conservative party strategists are also sifting through the election results to figure out what went wrong.
You can send all that money to me. Here's what went wrong:
Canadians, while they may like a lot of the fiscally conservative platform of the Conservative Party, do not want a right wing government. They want social liberalism and fiscal conservatism, something they know there's at least a small chance they'll get with Paul Martin.
When Canadians are convinced that the Conservative Party won't trample all over their rights, then they'll be elected, and we'll all be happy. Canadians want smaller government, and they want that government to stay out of their private lives. They see what Americans were promised by the Republicans - smaller government, less intrusion. And then they saw what Americans actually got - bloated, big spenders, who want to pry into every aspect of your private lives.
You can send that "analyst" money to me. I'm in America - having my rights trampled on and my pockets picked on a daily basis